Premier League 4 Sport

Premier League 4 Sport is a project funded through the Premier League Charitable Fund with the aim of using the appeal and brand of both the club and the Premier League to encourage more young people into sport.

The project offers regular sessions in hockey, tennis, basketball and table tennis at various locations across South West Wales, and creates pathways for our participants to progress into local clubs.

Engaging with over 600 young participants, regardless of their sporting ability, PL4Sport gives young people the opportunity to not only participate in sport, it offers them the opportunity to represent the Swans in national competitions, tournaments and championships, such as our recent trip to Birmingham with girls from our table tennis sessions. Winning gold in the tournament organised by This Girl Can in partnership with Table Tennis England, was a highlight from these competitions.

In addition, we’ve expanded our offering to those with disabilities to truly make our sessions suitable for people of all abilities. Launching in February, we now hold inclusive tennis sessions with the aim of introducing similar sessions for the other trio of sports we have on offer.

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