Swansea City supports 'Wave of Light'

15th October
Liberty Stadium blue

Swansea City is proud to be taking part in the ‘Wave of Light’ as part of Baby Loss Awareness Week.

The globally recognised event is taking place today and we are inviting the Jack Army to get involved.

Families across the world unite at 7pm local time by lighting a candle and leaving it aflame for an hour in memory of all infant lives taken too soon.

To join the virtual Wave of Light, take a photo of your candle and post it to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #WaveOfLight at 7pm local time.

The Liberty Stadium will be lighting up in blue for one hour from 7pm in support of the families in our community, around the world, and the babies who lit up our lives for such a short time.

For more information, help and support you can visit www.babyloss-awareness.org