Swansea City Jack Army Membership 2015-16
Jack Army Memberships are available to purchase for the 2015/16 season - with a key additional benefit.
We have launched a new cash loyalty scheme which will give Jack Army members the chance to earn Swans Cash when spending in store and online.
Cash loyalty aims to reward Swans fans for the money they spend with the club, giving Jack Army members a five per cent cash credit when you buy products and merchandise in store and online.
Jack Army members will also have the chance to take advantage of priority on home/second tier away matches, promotions, discounts and cash bonus days through the scheme.
To be part of the scheme and start earning Swans cash to spend, all you have to do is purchase a Jack Army membership, which costs just £7.50 (plus £2.50 booking fee) for current season ticket holders and Premier Club members; and £22.50 (plus £2.50 booking fee) for non season ticket holders.
Every Jack Army member will be given a personal cash loyalty account to use and access to keep track of Swans Cash through your Jack Army membership card.
You will earn Swans cash back on all purchases in store and online when buying shirts, leisurewear, gifts, accessories etc. The Swans Cash scheme also includes this summer's forthcoming kit launch day.
The Swans cash earned through cash loyalty can then be spent back in store and online with the club, giving you the chance to reward yourself with anything from the new kit to books and DVDs.
Jack Army membership is available to purchase now. Click HERE to read the full list of ticketing priority benefits you have access to as a Jack Army member. Swans Cash does NOT affect nor replace the current home or away ticketing priority.
To join Jack Army today, click HERE.
Terms and conditions apply.