Swansea City to hold fans’ forum on March 11

Swansea City will hold a fans’ forum on Monday, March 11 at the Swansea.com Stadium.
The event – which is open to all supporters - will run from 7pm until 9pm and will be held in the Day’s Lounge.
The panel will consist of chairman Andy Coleman, head coach Luke Williams, sporting director Paul Watson and the club's head of commercial, Richard Morris.
A representative of the Swansea City Supporters' Trust will also be in attendance.
The event will be compered by Kev Johns, and there will be tea and coffee available and a paid bar open for drinks.
The club has provisions in place for supporters requiring a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter for this event. If you need access to this service, please fill in the form below.
Swansea City remains committed to providing open and transparent communication with our supporters across a number of different formats.
This latest fans' forum follows on from our structured dialogue event on November 30 last year. The minutes of that meeting can be found HERE.