Swansea City | Fans' Forum reminder

Swansea City reminds supporters the club will be hosting a fans’ forum at the Swansea.com Stadium on the evening of Wednesday, October 18.
The event – which is open to all fans - will run from 6pm until 8pm and will be held in the Day’s Lounge.
The panel will consist of chairman Andy Coleman, head coach Michael Duff, sporting director Paul Watson and captain Matt Grimes.
The Supporters’ Trust will also be represented on the panel by Paul Meller, while the event will be compered by Kev Johns.
Free parking will be available for attendees in the West car park at the stadium, and supporters will be able to access the forum by visiting the main reception, from there they will be directed to the Day’s Lounge on Level Two.
Doors will open at 5.30pm, complimentary tea and coffee will be available, while a paid bar will also be open for any additional refreshments.
The club has provisions in place for supporters requiring a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter for this event. If you need access to this service, please fill in the form below.