Swansea City DSA host annual St David’s Day-themed coffee morning ahead of Unite for Access match

13th March


Swansea City Disabled Supporters Association (DSA) hosted a St David’s Day themed  coffee morning on Friday March 7 with many special guests in attendance.

Alongside club and DSA ambassador Lee Trundle was FAW chief executive Noel Mooney, Caroline Harris MP, Sioned Williams AS/MS, head of Swansea City academy Gavin Levy, the Lord Mayor and Mayoress as well Level Playing Field representative Mark Phillips.

The event, which was compered by club chaplain Eirian Wyn, saw performances from singer songwriter Mal Pope and seated pilates instructor and DSA member Sam.

DSA members joined in a singalong, had time for a chat and enjoyed hot drinks and snacks.

There was also a raffle raising money for the DSA’s work which continues to prove invaluable for the club’s matchday experience for supporters with accessible requirements.

DSA coffee mornings are a key social activity for DSA members, who are able to come together in an accessible environment while other one-off events such as the annual DSA Christmas party, and the Level Playing Field’s Unite for Access matchday which will be taking place this weekend when the Swans host Burnley (March 15) also mean so much to members of the group.

DSA members will be dotted around the ground on Saturday with the DSA selfie frame and Level Playing Fields signs, so the Jack Army can take photos showing their support for the DSA’s fantastic work, while the team will also warm up in Unite for Access t-shirts.

You can learn more about the DSA, or find out how to become a member here.

Swansea DSA show support for Level Playing Field 2025

The DSA have supported and pushed the club on some key projects this season including, sponsorship of the club’s Sensory Room which has resulted in an improved experience for supporters who require the room in order to attend on matchdays.

Additionally there has been the drive - alongside work with YMCA Swansea - to introduce a formalised young carers policy, and the adaptation of nine accessible toilets to become stoma friendly.

Alongside these larger projects, they have also made a donation of ear defenders and wheelchairs which are free to use on matchday for supporters who require them.

For Saturday’s home match against Burnley, the club will also have activations from adaptive bike company Bikeability Wales in the club shop, while Swansea Deaf Sports and Social Club, and sensory space providers Wild Space will be in the family stand.

There will also be an Accessoloo portable changing places toilet onsite at this game.