Swansea City AFC Foundation’s take huge strides in health and wellbeing

12th July

Swansea City AFC Foundation tripled the number of health and wellbeing provisions during the 2022-2023 project year, introducing FIT Jacks and Cwtch Coffee Mornings to the well-established Walking Football project.

Following the Foundation's first impact report, head of foundation Paul France outlined growth of health and wellbeing programmes  as a key target going forward, with the latest report detailing huge strides in this area.

There was a 70% increase in attendances at Walking Football as the all-inclusive sport grew to become an extremely popular session with 772 attendances across 75 sessions throughout the reporting period for 2022-2023.

Cwtch Coffee Mornings began in November 2022 and has become a thriving community with regular attendees, contributing to a total of 522 attendances across the first year of delivery.

FIT Jacks is an EFL Trust initiative which the Swans Foundation launched in February 2023, running its first 12-week cohort at the Swansea.com Stadium. 

A significant 98 percent of the 73 first FIT Jacks felt part of a group and more connected with others, as the programme not only targets physical health, but also the overall wellbeing of every participant.

The free programme has been one of the Foundation’s fastest growing provisions. Since the 2022-2023 report, FIT Jacks has expanded into the community, now running multiple sessions in various venues for each cohort.

A total of 348 people have now engaged in the FIT Jacks programme and a big contributing factor to that is the programme’s expansion to include more venues in addition to sessions at the Swansea.com Stadium.

One of the benficieries of the development of the Foundation's focus on health and wellbeing has been Julia Manser from FIT Jacks, who has seen benefits from the programme in every way possible, thanks to the programme becoming more easily accessible with a venue within walking distance of Julia’s home. 

“FIT Jacks has had an enormous impact on me,” said Manser.

“There’s the obvious things. I’ve lost a stone and a half but there’s also the other things that you don’t really consider. So I’ve got more confidence to try new things, I’ve signed up to a pilates class, a yoga class, there’s lots of changes. I’m feeling brighter and I think I’m looking a bit better.

“It was really important to me to have an easy-to-get-to venue because I think on weeks where you’re busy, I’m working full-time, got a family, if it’s too far it’s another easy excuse to say I won’t go this week. The venue I chose is within a mile of my home and there’s so many now to choose from there probably is one close to everyone.

“The coaches are really approachable, while they are incredibly professional, they are warm and friendly too. They’ve been there to offer information both in the sessions and outside the sessions. I’ve found them to be absolutely lovely, really positive people.”

The Foundation’s health and wellbeing provisions also support people who have completed their 12-week FIT Jacks course, with numerous maintenance programmes like Walking Football and Active Jacks. 

Julia is keen to ensure that she continues her fitness journey, and is grateful for the knowledge she’s gained from FIT Jacks and also the support she can still receive from other participants and the Swans Foundation.

“The messages I’m taking away from FIT Jacks are to move more, get away from your desk, get in the fresh air, get involved in as many activities as you can, try things as you never know what you might like. 

“The booklet that we’ve been working through reminds me of every message they’ve given me so I’ve got that if I ever have a slip up. I’ll also remember to not be too hard on yourself, that has been a key one for me.

“I’ve loved the group aspect of it. Meeting new people is always great. I work at home and some of the problems that I’ve faced is not connecting with people. Here I’ve met people I’ve tried new things with and I’m sure I’m going to be friends with the other participants from FIT Jacks. We’ve had a laugh together every week and it’s been so enjoyable.”

Find out more about FIT Jacks here.