Swansea City AFC Foundation launch 'Kick the Habit' project in partnership with Swansea Bay University Health Board

Swansea City AFC Foundation has partnered with Swansea Bay University Health Board to launch 'Kick the Habit'; a new smoking support programme.
The Foundation will host 'Kick the Habit' sessions every Monday evening - starting from February 26 - between 6pm and 7pm in the press room at the Swansea.com Stadium, with the programme being delivered by experts from the health board.
Participants looking to give up smoking will be supported through educational workshops, and be provided with resources such as nicotine replacement therapy, throughout a six-week rolling course.
People are welcome to join 'Kick the Habit' at anytime, and can complete the six weeks of sessions at their own pace, before receiving a further six weeks of support from a pharmacist.
Susan O’Rourke, service development manager at Swansea Bay University Health Board, has driven the launch of this programme, and is looking forward to seeing how much of a positive impact it can have in our community.
“I think for a smoker the single best thing they can for their health is to stop smoking,” said O'Rourke of the initiative.
“We’re really lucky to be supported by the Swansea City AFC Foundation, and to have a venue at the Swansea.com Stadium. Smokers have a choice of free NHS support, and it’s really important for smokers’ health.
“We know it’s an addiction and kicking the habit is difficult, but we will offer expert support and nicotine replacement products to help you through that journey.
“Working with the Foundation will have a great benefit for us because it’s the Swansea and Neath and Port Talbot communities we are aiming to support.
“The programme will help with population health, as well as hopefully leading to fewer admissions to hospital due to smoking-related diseases. There are a lot of benefits, not just for the individual, but for the wider community and the health board.”
Swansea City chairman Andy Coleman will embark on his own journey through the 'Kick the Habit' programme as he looks to stop smoking.
“'Kick the Habit' is incredibly important to me, as someone who has just lost his mother to a lung disease and someone who has battled this addiction for over 30 years,” he added.
“I owe it to myself, my family and my loved ones to do everything I can, and I look forward to having people help and join me on this journey.
“This is hugely important, not only in this instance, but as a part of the wide range of projects the Foundation delivers to support our community, so I’m thrilled to do everything I can to support this.”
To make the first step on your journey and sign up to 'Kick the Habit', click here or ring the national smoking cessation helpline on 0800 085 2219.