Swansea City achieve bronze rating in EFL Equality Code Of Practice    

3rd June
Swansea.com Stadium

Swansea City has achieved a bronze rating in the EFL Equality Code of Practice, which reviews the club’s dedication to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) as an employer and as a club.

Initially launched in 2012, the EFL’s Equality Code of Practice was revamped to become a multi-level accreditation scheme in the summer of 2022, with 46 of the 72 EFL Clubs achieving at least bronze by the end of the 2023-24 season.

The Swans will now look seek to build and improve on the current rating, striving to meet and exceed the standards set by the EFL’s framework.

In recent times, the club has introduced a number of policies and features to help make the club and stadium more inclusive; including a multi-purpose inclusion room which serves as a quiet space for those with additional sensory needs, or to anyone who just needs a bit of space away from the crowd.

The club has also introduced a prayer room, held Iftar events, supported and championed the work of Level Playing Fields and Her Game Too, and has worked on EFL Together campaigns, including 'Together Against Racism' and 'Together Against Homophobia', to reiterate its commitment to ensuring football is for everyone.

Additionally, Swansea City AFC Foundation has continued to deliver practical anti-racism and anti-homophobia workshops in schools, providing education tools to thousands of young people through the community.

“We are pleased to have achieved the bronze award. It’s a mark of the hard work our EDI Working Group – made up of dedicated staff from across the club, Foundation and academy – have put in to make the club as diverse and inclusive as possible," said the club’s HR manager Nicola Butt.

“We are now looking forward to pushing even harder to ensure the club continues on an upward trajectory, and continues to have a positive impact on the community.” 

EFL director of equality, diversity and inclusion, David McArdle, added: “Our 72 clubs represent communities of people from a wide variety of diverse backgrounds. 

"The EFL’s Code of Practice is the foundation on which our work on equality, diversity and inclusion is built, providing clubs with a clear framework and setting out exactly what they need to put in place to ensure the club is reflective of the community at all levels.   

“The progress being made is very encouraging and the EFL will continue to support and empower all clubs to make a positive impact on their communities and the wider game.”