Swans meet Prince's Trust participants

22nd October

Swans club ambassador Lee Trundle and the Community Trust helped The Prince’s Trust to celebrate their latest group of successful participants.

Attending the awards ceremony that rounded off the programme, Trundle was on hand to present those involved with their certificates.

Additionally, members of our Premier League Kicks project were in attendance after providing their support to The Prince’s Trust during the course of the 12-week programme that aims to help disadvantaged young people to turn their lives around.

Through courses such as these, The Prince’s Trust helps unemployed young people gain the skills and confidence they need to find a job, enter into training or setting up their own business.

In partnership with the local fire service, PL Kicks engaged with the group during part of the project to educate them on the emergency services.

“During the course of The Prince’s Trust programme, PL Kicks supported the fire service with the delivery of crime and consequences sessions, where participants learn about home fire safety and many other emergency aspects that the fire service deal with,” said Liam Ellis from our Premier League Kicks project.

“Kicks also supported the delivery of a part of the programme where participants became a fire fighter for a day to give them an insight on what it is like to be a fire fighter.

“It was interesting to see the growth of the participants throughout the 12-week course, seeing them gain in confidence and social skills.

“It was also interesting to see everything that was involved in The Prince’s Trust programme and I wish every participant the best for the future. I’m looking forward to working more with The Prince’s Trust in the future and helping to increase future participants’ confidence through sport and fire drill training.”

This partnership with the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is the latest in a long line of events the two have teamed up to deliver, including the successful Fire Cadets league that sees young fire fighters from across Wales compete in an array of fire drills and football skills.

To find out more about PL Kick’s work with the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, email Liam@scfccommunitytrust.co.uk