Swans back 'Go Safe' campaign

23rd November

Dyfed-Powys Police will be attending Swansea City’s clash with Norwich City on Saturday to promote their Go Safe campaign.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of safe driving among new drivers.

The campaign says: “So you've passed your test and are looking forward to the freedom of your own car. You can go wherever you want, whenever you want.

“But, you do need to think seriously about your driving – especially when you've got others in the car with you because your car could become a lethal weapon.

“Deadly Mates have their friends in the car with them chatting, laughing, listening to music and they aren't concentrating fully on what they're doing. Often, they don't realise how fast they're driving.

“Their friends put pressure on them to take risks at the wheel for a laugh, or they race other cars, which is stupid and really dangerous.

“Taking drugs or drinking and driving do not mix but Deadly Mates think they can handle it.

“They think they are above the law and won't get caught but this is when accidents happen. They do happen!”