Pembrokeshire Jacks

Group name: Pembrokeshire Jacks
Contact: Philip Busby
Facebook: Pembrokeshirejacks
Number of members: 680
Formed: 2008
About: Pembrokeshire Jacks began as a simple Facebook group for fans based in and around the area of Pembrokeshire. More recently our main function and activity is to act as a not for profit travel club. We are very proud of the diversity within our growing and active Swans group. Our membership and recent growth spans all sexes and ages, this is due not least to the family friendly nature that our group actively promotes. Our main objective is to ensure that the Pembrokeshire Jacks have access to reliable, safe and cost-effective travel to watch the Swans. We actively encourage social media sharing of our activity and our footprint within Pembrokeshire is growing.
Main function: Travel group and social focal point for Swans fans within Pembrokeshire. Membership is free to join. We currently offer £10 adult return travel for home games and £5 for Under 12s.