Josh Pescatore | We'll take our learning into next season

24th May
Josh Pescatore brings the ball down for Swansea

Swansea City Under-18s' midfielder Josh Pescatore believes the strides the young Swans have taken this season will only benefit the squad going into next season.

The age-grade side reached the final of the Professional Development Cup during the 2023-24 campaign, losing 3-1 after extra-time to a strong Millwall side.

Pescatore joined the Swans last summer as a first-year scholar, but believes he has already made significant strides in SA1 having captained the under-18s on a number of occasions.

“I think it’s definitely a season we can look back on and be proud of, reaching a final as a team was special. It was unfortunate to lose, but the fact the boys pushed through the whole season, I think that it was a great achievement to get there," said Pescatore.

"Not a lot of us have had the opportunity to play in stadiums before, it's something we have aspired to do and hopefully we get to play in many more stadiums and in many big games.

"It has been great to captain the team, especially being a newcomer, it has been good to be able to take that step up and have that trust from the coaches to be able to lead the boys out. It has been a great experience.

"Hopefully next season we will be able to reach a final again and just play in the big games and show what we are about. I think the things we have learned this season will stand us in good stead.

"I think I have developed a lot this season as a player, Jarred (Harvey) and the coaches give us the best information and I can’t thank them enough for what they have done for us this season.”