Grwp Cefnogwyr Cymraeg Yr Elyrch

Supporters Group Name: Grŵp Cefnogwyr Cymraeg yr Elyrch
Main Contact: Tomos Jones
Address for Correspondence: Menter Iaith Abertawe, Tŷ Tawe, 9 Christina Street, Swansea, Wales.
Country: Postcode / Zip: SA1 4EW
Phone / Mobile: 01792 460906
Year formed: 2021
Approximate number of members: 10
Brief history of group: The group was started by staff of Menter Iaith Abertawe. The group currently has around 10 members and has been run informally so far, but we are looking to attract more people by starting the official supporters' group.
Main functions of the group: To provide a platform for Swans supporters to socialise and discuss the Swans through the medium of Welsh.
Do you hold other events? In the future we intend to organise pre- and post-match social events, trips to away games, and other in person events once restrictions allow.
Is there anything you feel the Swans Supporters' Clubs working group could do to help you? To help publicise the group and opportunities to enjoy the Swans and socialise through the medium of Welsh.
Any other information? The group is open to all regardless of how fluent they are in the Welsh language, and joining could be a good chance to learn a little bit of the language in an informal setting!