Ceri Phillips | Togetherness is key

19th March
Ceri Phillips Swans Ladies vs TNS

Swansea City Ladies head coach Ceri Phillips praised the togetherness his side showed as they continued their fine form in the Genero Adran Premier league with a 4-1 win over The New Saints Women.

Katy Hosford put the Swans ahead after just 29 seconds, but TNS responded nine minutes later with a goal from Lucie Platt.

A quick fire double from Stacey John-Davis just before the break gave the Swans a 3-1 lead at half-time before Monet Legall added a fourth to seal three points.

Phillips felt that his side's togetherness is a crucial factor in their recent form and he believes they are playing their best football of the season so far.

“The important part for us was that we showed togetherness, the girls stayed together in the second half, defended together and attacked together,” said Phillips.

“It’s probably the best form we’ve had this season, it’s just a shame it’s come late in the season possibly, but it’s been a year with a lot of change and finding our feet and getting used to things.

“All we can ask for is performances and winning games of football and that’s what we’ve done today.

“It was tough going at times and that’s credit to TNS, but we dug deep and played some good football and scored some good goals.

“We stopped playing a little bit when we scored our first, but when they scored, we went up a couple of gears and we were good for the two goals that we scored to go in 3-1 up at half-time.

“It always helps to get a brilliant start like that, it was a good move and we’ve done that a couple of times this season.

“We scored two fantastic goals through Stacey and then it was nice for Monet to come of the bench to get a fourth and settle the result.

“Stacey has played well all season. To miss about six weeks of the season and still be right up there with goals and goal involvements, I’m delighted for her."