Carlisle Jacks

Group name: Carlisle Jacks
Contact: Bill Hughes
Facebook: Carlisle Jacks
Number of members: 80
Formed: 2014
About: Set up by some exiled Swans using the Coach and Horses pub named 'Liberty North' . Aimed at providing a base for Swans supporters and those that “second team” use a forum and focus point for travel and meet ups. Linked to both the Valley Swans and Port Talbot and Exiled Swans for discussion and meet ups.
Main function: Promoting the Swans in foreign lands with a significant amount of memorabilia in the Coach and Horses, which has surprised quite a few visiting Swans.
Events: Watching games in the local pub due to ticket and distance is a regular occasion when we are televised and if it is possible, we travel to at least four away games per year with the record being 40 in attendance. We also have one season ticket holder who travels home and away and when possible accompanied by others.